Lego batman 2 walkthrough xbox
Lego batman 2 walkthrough xbox

The dichotomy in this game provides an opportunity for the Batman enthusiast to view the story from both sides, either from the heroes point of view (Batman and the ever-lovable side, Robin) or the three primary villains (along with their hodgepodge crew of equally familiar criminal masterminds). In order to get suit upgrades, you need to collect red power bricks and obtain them in exchange for studs. Suit upgrades tack on extra cool abilities to the existing suit, making them potentially more useful and fun to use. You can swap in and out of your suits via the suit changers. Batman and Robin each have suits tailored especially for them so that one cannot fit in the other's suit. Unique to the heroes only, each of the suits possesses special attributes or abilities that transfer to the wearer. Red power bricks, on the other hand, help put suit upgrades on the market for purchase.

lego batman 2 walkthrough xbox

The real upside to this is that you also get a good chunk of studs (50,000) for completing a minikit model. Collect all ten in the level to be able to assemble a minikit model that can be viewed in the Hero Trophy Room. MissionsĮach level contains a total of ten items called LEGO canisters and one red power brick. So, remember: if it ain't broke, break it.

lego batman 2 walkthrough xbox

More likely than not, piles of twitching, bouncing LEGO pieces eagerly await to be assembled together in to some kind of prop that will allow you to progress through the game, or help attain that elusive LEGO canister. With that said, it should quickly become your life's goal to go on a destructive rampage and unleash your Kung Fu fury upon everything in the game-provided it can be destroyed in the first place. The gameplay comprises essentially two main components: smashing and building.

Lego batman 2 walkthrough xbox